
Robert Schuman´s day and VIDEO JOURNALISM WORKSHOP

OUR COMMON FUTURE - Video Journalism Workshop
The programme:
10.30  Meeting at the «Maison Robert Schuman» 4, rue Jules Wilhelm, Quartier de Clausen, Luxembourg. Planning in Video Teams
12.00   Move to the city, interviews with locals, joint flying lunches
15.00  Return to the «Maison Robert Schuman». Interviews with public representatives, ambassadors; other guests
18.00   Joint Sum-up Team Meeting
19.00  Closing - Joint Drink
I´ve joined a dynamic team of young people at a video  production  workshop  on  the  Day  of  Europe. 

We first planned  the  action  together  and then went downtown to conduct  interviews  with locals  and  high  public  representatives,  exploring  different formats  of  online  journalism.

66th anniversary of the Schuman declaration
The  life  and work  of  Robert Schuman  was  one  of  our  focal  points.
Some of the short  movies  we produced will be soon available online and all the participants will be issued participation  certificates  signed  by  the  Representation  of  the European Commission in Luxembourg.
We made a total of 17 interviews, including many interesting proposals and reflections. It is currently planned to show the movie on 21st May, at the “Fête de l’Europe”.
The neighborhood.

View from the window
Interviewing (near Urban Pub)
Official Ceremony

Interviewing Prof. Dr. Rainer KLUMP for “Ourcommonfuture” on the day of the Commémoration de la Déclaration Schuman.
Interviewing Mr. Jacques Santer on the day of the Commémoration de la Déclaration Schuman.
From "Making History"
Special thanks to Philippe Ternes and all the staff from Maison Schuman.

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