
Where on earth is my/your Vía Remington? ¿Dónde rayos está mi/tu Vía Remington?

Vía Remington is almost 5 years old now...
Vía Remington ahora tiene casi 5 años...

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Thank you! Gracias!
Danke! Merci!

Corina Moscovich, author of Vía Remington


M. C. Escher (bilingual post)(por Corina Moscovich)

Approximately four years ago, while I was in Mendoza, and after reading some of my poems, someone who was there told me: “your poetry reminds me of an artist...” Before I went back to Rosario, this person had the nice gesture of photocopying some pages of a book, with Escher designs. Here, a small biography (from Wikipedia)
Maurits Cornelis Escher (17 June 1898 – 27 March 1972), usually referred to as M.C. Escher was a Dutch graphic artist. He is known for his often mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints. These feature impossible constructions, explorations of infinity, architecture, and tessellations. This is his official website: http://www.mcescher.com/  

Hace unos cuatro años, estando en Mendoza, y luego de leer algunos poemas de mi autoría, alguien allí presente me dijo: “tu poesía me hace pensar en un artista plástico...” Antes de que yo me volviera a Rosario, esta persona se ocupó de fotocopiar algunas hojas de un libro donde aparecían los diseños de Escher. Aquí, una pequeña biografía (de Wikipedia)
Maurits Cornelis Escher, más conocido como M. C. Escher (Leeuwarden, Países Bajos, 17 de junio de 1898 - Hilversum, Países Bajos, 27 de marzo de 1972), artista holandés, conocido por sus grabados en madera, xilografías y litografías que tratan sobre figuras imposibles, teselados y mundos imaginarios. La obra de Maurits Cornelis Escher ha interesado a muchos matemáticos. Su obra experimenta con diversos métodos de representar (en dibujos de 2 ó 3 dimensiones) espacios paradójicos que desafían a los modos habituales de representación.


"Butcher Boys" by artist Jane Alexander in S.A.N.A.Gallery

The piece titled Butcher Boys made by artist Jane Alexander is said to be the most popular contemporary piece in the South African National Art Gallery’s collection and consists of three life-size sculptures of distorted men. The piece was completed as part of Alexander’s Masters Degree in Fine Arts at Wits in 1988.
The three, quite muscular life-sized casts of almost naked men with strange penis sheaths looking thoughtful and serious (who are also vulgar, strange beast creatures with horns) are fascinating. Through them, the artist seems to reveal, on the outside, the concurrent human potential for refinement and bestiality.
When it comes to talking about the meaning of her work, the artist herself is often described both as one of the most highly regarded artists in South Africa. She prefers her work to speak for itself. She says: “my themes are drawn from the relationship of individuals to hierarchies and the presence of aggression, violence, victimization, power and subservience.”
Adapted from http://www.blog.standardbank.com/arts/2011/01/jane-alexanders-work-both-subtle-and-bold-attractive-and-ugly

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