
CNSC10 Camino-Norte-Santiago-Compostela From Gijón to Avilés (23km)

Fotos del camino desde Gijón a Avilés (23km):
Leaving the city was quite complicated
 This bit was a very tough but thoughtful camino for me. I walked alone this time but met some cute animals on the way.

Ariving to Avilés was long and tiring. 
Dormí en el Albergue de Peregrinos en Avilés (I think it was my favourite one as it offered different services). There I met guy from Guatemala who taught me how to "cure" a blister.
I also met two guys from Germany and a girl from Switzerland who wanted to get rid of stuff and gave me a softening foot cream.
Some pictures of Avilés:
Avilés is one of the main towns in Asturias.

CNSC9 Camino NOrte Santiago Compostela. From Cudillero (Asturias, Spain) to Soto de Liuña

Cudillero es una población de pescadores con un  puerto relevante, durante los meses de verano es un importante atractivo turístico. Se recorre en unos diez minutos.
Cudillero (Asturias, Spain) is a small village and municipality in the Principality of Asturias, Spain. These days, Cudillero's main economic activities are related to tourism, but it is also known for its fishing ships.
 El camino de Cudillero a Soto de Liuña es de 12km aprox. Caminé con un peregrino de Alemania, a quien le dolían mucho las rodillas.
   Mucho cemento pero es bastante tranquilo, no hay muchos autos por las partes de camino en ruta. Son característicos los eucaliptus. Es una zona con mucha humedad.